Call for an Appointment: (847) 381-8161

General Pre-Operative Instructions

It is very important that you make an appointment to see your primary care physician for a pre-surgical history and physical no more than 28 days prior to surgery and no less than 5 days.

Our office will notify your primary care physician you will be calling for an appointment. If we do not receive this information, your surgery may be cancelled by anesthesia.

Pre-surgical testing is usually done within 5-14 days prior to surgery (not less than 3 days). Depending on your insurance, tests can be done at either your primary care physician ‘s office or the hospital. These tests may include but are not limited to: blood and urine tests, x-rays, or an electrocardiogram depending on your age. Your primary care physician will advise you and the results of these tests must be forwarded to the hospital or anesthesia will cancel your case.

If you have any type of cardiac history, you may need to see your cardiologist (in addition to your primary care physician) for clearance prior to surgery.

Please review with your physician your current medications. You must stop all aspirin and NSAID products seven (7) days prior to surgery. If you are taking a blood thinner such as (Coumadin, Plavix, Pradaxa) you will need to consult with the physician who prescribes these medications for instructions prior to surgery.

The hospital will call to review surgical instructions with you. Please have a list of medications and doses available when they call; they will advise you what (if any) medications to take the morning of surgery. The insurance department will also call, please have your insurance information readily available.

The hospital will call or text you the evening before your procedure between 4-7 pm to let you know what time to arrive at the hospital the next day.

Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before surgery. You will need to have someone drive you home from the hospital and remain with you at least 24 hours after surgery, per anesthesia’s protocol.

Please remove all nail polish from both fingers and toes.

Note: At your first appointment you will be given a copy of Pre-Operative Instructions which will require your signature.